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JUNE / JULY 2024

A Good Match
By Martha Hipley


“You look like someone who enjoys a good match.”

Bobson was desperately avoiding eye contact with the man next to him at the bar, a man who had chosen, out of all the open seats in the otherwise empty lounge, to sit on the stool directly next to his. Even worse, he had already inched the stool closer to say, “Just want to see the game, don’t mind me,” as he gestured to the projection smeared behind the endless rows of bottles behind the counter. All Bobson wanted, after a shit cycle on the clock and another shitty fight with his latest lover, was to have a few rounds alone before beginning the loop all over again. One of the few pleasures of his third-cycle shift was that the station's primary lounge was nearly always empty when he was released. He hoped the man had taken the hint. Maybe not.

“Have you ever watched a booly match? I tell you, we’re in for something special today,” he continued. Bobson finally gave him a proper look. He was a tediously typical Dervid wanderer, someone who made a career of flitting in and out of stations like this one, pushing a deal on someone and then moving on as soon as the deal soured. His charismatic face transcended speciesist beauty standards – big, bright eyes, wide omnivore teeth, laugh lines on his leathery skin that was nearly the same color of the cheap Earth wine he was swinging in front of Bobson’s face in a cheap, unbreakable goblet.

“No. I'm not much for sports,” replied Bobson. He eyed his glass of amethyst liquor and made a mental calculation. He had splurged on the good stuff and couldn't yet bring himself to chug it down and escape. Nor could he stand to walk away from four hundred kotals of decent booze.

“Wesry,” said the man, holding out a hand. “Pleased to meet you.”



A Good Match
by Martha Hipley

by Andrew McCormick


by Arvee Fantilagan

Variball Czar
by Karen Chaffee

All the Running Marias

by Avra Margariti


Across the Line

by J.M. Cyrus


Night Sports

by Matthew Wollin


Diplomatic Arts

by Mary Soon Lee


Once You're There You're On your Own

by Robert Frazier



Physics Fun: Dissecting Planets
by Andrew E. Love, Jr.

Behold the Might of the Invertebrates
by Alexander Corby

Is There Life on Other Planets?
by Bob Maschi

Interview with John Clute
Interview with Samantha Mills
Letter from the Editor
by Lynne Sargent


Nothing in the Rules
by L. Sprague de Camp


Anthology Front Cover-1.png

Utopia is not the end of progress, but the first step on an even bigger journey. Dare to leap into a world where hope defines us.


Utopia Science Fiction Magazine’s mission is to publish stories that shine with a more optimistic future, one we all want to believe in. This anthology collects some of the best stories published from 2019-2023.


Included in this special five year anthology are exclusive interviews with staff and volunteers, introductions to the stories and poems by the authors themselves, and interviews with amazing talent such as James Gurney and Joe Haldeman. This book also includes gorgeous new artwork commissioned especially for this anthology.


Authors Included: Krysten Lipp * Jessica Andrewartha * Penny Sebring Leigh * Kara Race-Moore * Dawn Vogel * Gabrielle Bleu * Adam Slavny * Loren Hall * Gwen C. Katz * Patrice Sarath * Raima Larter * Calie Voorhis * Alex Singer * Karl El-Koura * Timothy Hickson * Mahmud El Sayed * Andrew Najberg * Clare L. Deming * Nadine Aurora Tabing * Kelly Kurtzhals Geiger * Sterling Warner * LindaAnn LoSchiavo * Louis Gallo * Carmen Lucía Alvarado * Christopher Collingwood * Lisa Timpf * Elizabeth R. McClellan * Lynn White * Avra Margariti * Colleen Anderson * Lorraine Schein * Kim Whysall-Hammond * Eva Papasoulioti * Januário Esteves * Lauren McBride * Brian Hugenbuch * Jordan Hirsch * Beth Cato and Rhonda Parrish

© 2019-2024 by Utopia Science Fiction

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